Survey Instruments

Survey Instruments

Graduating Senior Survey – Mason Korea (GSSMK)

The Graduating Senior Survey typically collects data in seven areas: (a) enrollment and employment history, (b) education and writing experience within the major, (c) scholarly and creative activities, (d) interaction with faculty and staff, (e) enriching educational experiences, (f) global knowledge, and (g) overall satisfaction. On a rotating basis, other questions are added as well. This survey is administered to all seniors who have filed their intent to graduate.

Summer and Fall 2020, Spring 2021PDF
Summer and Fall 2019, Spring 2020PDF
Summer and Fall 2018, Spring 2019PDF

Graduating Senior Survey (GSS)

The Graduating Senior Survey typically collects data in seven areas: (a) enrollment and employment history, (b) education and writing experience within the major, (c) scholarly and creative activities, (d) interaction with faculty and staff, (e) enriching educational experiences, (f) global knowledge, and (g) overall satisfaction. On a rotating basis, other questions are added as well. This survey is administered to all seniors who have filed their intent to graduate.

Summer and Fall 2021, Spring 2022PDF
Summer and Fall 2020, Spring 2021PDF
Summer and Fall 2019, Spring 2020PDF
Summer and Fall 2018, Spring 2019PDF
Summer and Fall 2017, Spring 2018PDF
Summer and Fall 2016, Spring 2017PDF

Graduate Student Exit Survey (GSES)

The Graduate Student Exit Survey is administered to masters and doctoral students who have filed their intent to graduate. The survey collects data regarding (a) enrollment and employment, (b) academic program evaluation, (c) overall satisfaction, (d) time to degree and (e) financial support.

Summer and Fall 2021, Spring 2022PDF
Summer and Fall 2020, Spring 2021PDF
Summer and Fall 2019, Spring 2020PDF
Summer and Fall 2018, Spring 2019PDF
Summer and Fall 2017, Spring 2018PDF
Summer and Fall 2016, Spring 2017PDF

Survey of Law School Students

The Survey of Law School Students is administered to graduating law students. The survey collects data about student background characteristics, in addition to four areas related to the law school experience: (a) law program evaluation, (b) enriching educational experiences, (c) student satisfaction, and (e) employment upon graduation.

Fall 2017, Spring and Summer 2018Law Student Exit Survey 2017-18 FINAL
Fall 2016, Spring and Summer 2017PDF

One Year Out Career Survey

The One Year Out Career Survey collects information about employment status and further education up to one year after obtaining a degree from Mason. This survey is administered to degree recipients once per year in early summer.

Summer 2020PDF
Summer 2019PDF
Summer 2018PDF
Summer 2017PDF
Summer 2016PDF

Post-Certificate Employment Survey

The Post-Certificate Employment Survey collects information about employment status and further education up to one year after obtaining a certificate from Mason. This survey is administered to certificate recipients once per year in early summer. To request Post-Certificate Employment survey instruments and reports contact our office at

Career Plans Survey

Formerly known as the Career Census Survey, the Career Plans Survey is a collaborative project between OIEP, University Career Services, and the Office of Alumni Affairs to collect information about Mason graduates’ (undergraduate and graduate) employment status, use of job search resources, and plans for further education.

Patriot Success Survey

The purpose of the Patriot Success Survey, distributed to all degree-seeking Mason undergraduate students enrolled at the beginning of each fall, is to identify, develop, implement, and assess student-level interventions that will increase engagement, retention, and timely degree completion among George Mason University undergraduate students. Survey content includes questions focused on actionable areas for intervention, overall Mason experience, and demographic information not available elsewhere. This information can be used to gauge the student experience, identify and address areas for improvement including providing additional student support, and plan for the future.

Patriot Success Survey 2021PDF
Patriot Success Survey 2020PDF

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