CCPR External Review
The Unit Self-Study Committee (USSC) appoints the External Review Team (ERT) who will review the unit’s Self-Study Report and conduct a site visit. The USSC lead is responsible for communicating with the external reviewers to confirm their participation in the process.
Nominations for at least three external reviewers will be made by the USSC (including names, CV, or web-link to a professional page, and contact information) and forwarded by the USSC lead to the Unit Lead and Associate Dean for approval. In selecting potential reviewers, the team should consider the following criteria:
- highly qualified disciplinary experts, external to, and not affiliated with Mason, who are from peer institutions to Mason;
- able to provide unbiased and professional opinions regarding the performance of the unit after extensive research and interviews conducted during and before their site visit;
- able to evaluate the various areas covered by the unit;
- student affairs officials with national/local stature; and
- free of conflicts of interest that would prevent them from conducting an objective review (nominees should not be alumni or have collaborations with members of the program).