Survey Results
OIEP provides survey results online that can be seen in detail at the level of specific academic units, programs, and subgroups.
Published reports (pdfs) included in this section are organized by survey/data source and publication year. Reports published prior to 2006 can be accessed by clicking Archived Reports.
Survey Calendar:
The University Survey Calendar captures the major student and alumni surveys being conducted at Mason (at least 2000 recipients). The calendar is intended to promote planning and coordination of data collection activities and ultimately reduce undue burden on students and alums. Please check this calendar as you plan your survey administration.
Survey Instruments:
A list of all survey instruments can be found here.
Glossary of Terms:
All Terminology definitions used in OIEP dashboards and reports.
Career Plans Survey
Career Plans Survey collects career outcomes and employment information of graduates. For students who did not participate in the survey, post-graduation information was supplemented via LinkedIn and National Student Clearinghouse data. Survey results can be generated at the university, college/school, and program levels. To protect student anonymity, survey results with fewer than three respondents will not be accessible.
Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)
The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education is a national, research-based initiative designed specifically to understand the job satisfaction of instructional and research faculty. Mason is partnering with COACHE to administer the Faculty Satisfaction and Faculty Retention and Exit surveys.
Graduating Senior Exit Survey
The Graduating Senior Survey typically collects data in seven areas: (a) enrollment and employment history, (b) education and writing experience within the major, (c) scholarly and creative activities, (d) interaction with faculty and staff, (e) enriching educational experiences, (f) global knowledge or experience, and (g) overall satisfaction. On a rotating basis, other questions are added as well. This survey is administered to all seniors who have filed their intent to graduate.
Graduate Student Exit Survey
The Graduate Student Exit Survey is administered to masters and doctoral students who have filed their intent to graduate. The survey collects data regarding (a) enrollment and employment, (b) academic program evaluation, (c) overall satisfaction, (d) time to degree and (e) financial support.
Law Exit Survey
The Survey of Law School Students is administered to graduating law students. The survey collects data about student background characteristics, in addition to four areas related to the law school experience: (a) law program evaluation, (b) enriching educational experiences, (c) student satisfaction, and (e) employment upon graduation.
The Law Student Exit Survey reports contain trend analyses of the survey data. All Law School students are required to take the survey online during the semester prior to their graduation. Visit our Survey Instrument page to learn more about the Law Student Exit Survey.
Year of Publication | Reports |
2016 | Law-Student-Exit-Survey-Trend-Report-2014-and-2015 |
Mason Korea
To see the survey instruments, visit our Survey Instruments page.
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a survey designed to collect data in five areas: (a) participation in educationally purposeful activities, (b) institutional requirements regarding coursework, (c) perceptions of the college environment, (d) educational and personal growth, and (e) student background information. The NSSE is administered every three years to first-year and senior students during the spring semester.
Current and previous NSSE survey instruments are located at
Survey results can be generated at the university level, college/school level, and program level. Most results can be filtered by gender, ethnicity, age, gpa, and domicile. To protect student anonymity, survey results with less than three respondents will not be accessible.
Mason has participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years since 2000 and published reports on NSSE results since 2001. Along with university-level comparison and special reports (e.g., diversity, transfer and residence), college-level reports are also available.
Patriot Success Survey
The purpose of the Patriot Success Survey, distributed to all degree-seeking Mason undergraduate students enrolled at the beginning of each fall, is to identify, develop, implement, and assess student-level interventions that will increase engagement, retention, and timely degree completion among George Mason University undergraduate students. Survey content includes questions focused on actionable areas for intervention, overall Mason experience, and demographic information not available elsewhere. This information can be used to gauge the student experience, identify and address areas for improvement including providing additional student support, and plan for the future.
Year of Publication | Report |
2019 | Patriot Success Survey 2019 Report (PDF) |
Pulse Survey
Mason administered brief Pulse Surveys to all enrolled undergraduate and graduate students to gauge student’s reactions to current campus challenges/responses. The instrument included questions about the quality of instruction, awareness of and needs for campus resources, COVID-19 impacts, and intent to re-enroll. This information can be used to gauge the student experience, identify and address areas for improvement including providing additional student support, and plan for the future.
Archived Reports
Year of Publication | Mason Core Archived Reports |
Production Schedule:
The production schedule of each survey is listed within each survey section. For a detailed view of all surveys, please see the university survey calendar.
Data Source:
The data sources for each survey are listed in the searchable online results.
All survey results are publicly available and aggregate non-identifiable results can be downloaded in an excel format. The comments sections if available are only accessible to the Mason community either by being on campus or by using VPN if working remotely.