Official Enrollment Reports
Student Enrollment
Data include student Headcount (HC), student FTE, and student credit hours by college, degree, major and other student demographic characteristics.
Course Enrollment
Data on course enrollment by College and Course Level. Display includes FTE distribution by Division of Student Major. Data are presented by Campus, College, and Domicile. When choosing a College, the Academic Course Department data are displayed.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV): Commonwealth SCHEV student enrollment reporting includes all students at all George Mason University campuses, including GMU-Korea enrollments.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Federal IPEDS student enrollment reporting excludes GMU-Korea enrollments.
Glossary of Terms:
All Terminology definitions used in OIEP dashboards and reports.
Official Enrollment Trends and Dashboards
- Course Enrollment (FTE)
- Course Enrollment (HRS)
- Official Ten-Year Enrollment Trends (Fall, Spring, and Summer Census) by College, Major, Student Level, and Demographic
This dashboard is only accessible from the Mason network. If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN to access this link.
Preliminary Daily Enrollment Reports and Dashboards
Fall Preliminary Enrollment Report (MicroStrategy)
This dashboard is only accessible from the Mason network. If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN to access this link.
Spring Preliminary Enrollment Report (MicroStrategy)
This dashboard is only accessible from the Mason network. If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN to access this link.
Course Sections and Student Credit Hours by Faculty/Staff Type
This dashboard excludes independent studies, internships, labs, recitations, PMI, Academic English, and Mason LIFE; faculty/staff type of “other” includes affiliates, less than 1.0 FTE salaried instructional faculty, administrative faculty, classified staff, research staff, wage, and unknown employment categories.
This dashboard is only accessible from the Mason network. If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN to access this link.
This dashboard allows users to explore course DFW (final student grades of ‘D’, ‘F’, or a withdrawal) rates and counts.
This dashboard is only accessible from the Mason network. If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN to access this link.
Production Schedule:
Census: Official reporting file. Data are pulled from Banner approximately 6 weeks after the start of the semester. Reports and dashboards are updated each semester with the following schedule: Fall semester: November; Spring semester: April; Summer semester: August.
Data Source:
Data are extracted from Banner, Mason Student Information System. Data are updated once per semester.
- Due to rapid changes in university structure and majors, we are not able to keep the historical college mappings or student preferred college mappings for certain majors. The college mappings for each major are based on most the recent structure.
- Starting in Fall 2011, graduate student load is no longer calculated solely on the basis of enrolled credit hours, but is calculated using the full-time classifications defined in the university catalog.
- Starting in Fall 2011, certificate and special program students are displayed separately.
- Starting in Fall 2011, Distance Education is defined as students enrolled in courses where 50% or more of the instruction is offered via distance education; internships, individual study, and study abroad are excluded.
- Starting with the Fall 2012 census, degree-seeking students who attended Mason previously and returned at the same degree level after attending another institution are considered continuing students. Prior to Fall 2012 they were considered transfer students.