Mason Core

How to Submit your Course Materials for Assessment

**Fall 2024 Course Materials are due by December 9, 2024**


Submission Guide for Mason Core Assessment

Fall 2024: Arts | Literature | Social and Behavioral Science


Thank you for your participation in the Mason Core Assessment cycle! All instructors teaching Mason Core courses in the Arts, Literature, or Social and Behavioral Sciences categories will receive an email with a submission link. Please answer the following question:

Do you need to submit course materials this semester?  


  • No, I submitted materials for this course during the 2023-2024 academic year.

If you submitted materials for this course during the 2023-2024 academic year, you would not need to submit again. You will indicate this in the submission form and be directed to the end of the survey.


  • Yes, I need to submit materials for this course.

If you need to submit, please have the following materials prepared and ready to upload by the end of the semester, December 9, 2024.

    1. Course Syllabus
      1. Upload the course syllabus
        1. Naming the file: Course_Section_Syllabus (e.g., ENGR107_001_Syllabus)
    2. Course Assignment
      1. Select the assignment that best aligns with the Mason Core Learning Outcome(s) in this course. When selecting the assignment, consider if students can demonstrate their level of proficiency on the Mason Core Learning Outcome(s) by completing this assignment.
      2. Upload the course assignment
        1. Naming the file: Course_Section_Assignment (e.g., ENGR107_001_Assignment)
    3. Learning Outcome(s)
      1. Indicate which Mason Core Learning Outcome(s) students are being assessed on when they complete the selected assignment (select all that apply)
      2. Explain how the course assignment addresses the Mason Core Learning Outcome(s) in this course
    4. Student Artifacts
      1. You will be assigned to submit materials for a random sample of 3 students in the course
      2. Using the drop-down, select the Course
      3. Using the drop-down, select the Student GNumber
      4. Upload the student artifact from the selected assignment
        1. Uploaded files can be up to 50MB
        2. Naming the files: Course_Section_Student GNumber (e.g., ENGR107_001_G123456)


Ready to submit your course materials for Mason Core Assessment?

You will receive an email with a submission link. In the meantime, please start gathering your course materials using the list provided above.

