Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning

Mason Academic Assessment Council (MAAC)


The Mason Academic Assessment Council (MAAC) is a university-wide committee dedicated to advancing systematic and best assessment practices. Led by, and working with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (OIEP), council members promote and support effective assessment of academic programs.


Cognizant of the need for program flexibility, the MAAC will:

Annual Assessment Feedback

In an effort to support continuous improvement, OIEP in collaboration with MAAC engages in a holistic review process of annual assessment submissions in Nuventive. This peer-driven process was initiated with 2019-2020 academic annual assessments. MAAC members provide formative feedback on each element of academic annual assessment submissions: the mission, curriculum map(s), student learning outcomes, methods, findings, and improvements.

View this slideshow to learn more about the annual assessment feedback process for academic units.


Appointed by leadership from within each academic college or school, the university library, and the honors college, member responsibilities include acting as ambassadors to the larger university, providing purpose and instruction as to the critical nature of assessment. MAAC is chaired by Sheena G. Serslev, in OIEP.

Current Members
Antonin Scalia Law School David Hull
Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution Charisse Cardenas
College of Education and Human Development Adrienne Sullivan
College of Engineering and Computing David Binning
College of Public Health Bob Weiler
College of Public Health Wayne Adams
College of Humanities and Social Sciences Marguerite Rippy
College of Public Health Deja Jennings
College of Science Jennifer Bazaz Gettys
College of Visual and Performing Arts Justin Sutters
Honors College John Woolsey
School of Integrative Studies Misty Krell
Schar School of Policy and Government Katrin Anacker
School of Business Nicole Martello
OIEP Sheena Serslev and Amy Lebrecht
Faculty Senate
Stearns Center Thomas Polk
Undergraduate Education Laura Poms
Graduate Education
Accreditation Susan Woodruff
University Libraries Ashley Blinstrub
Mason Korea Shannon Davis