annual assessment

Academic Assessment

Academic programs and certain certificate programs are required to identify student learning outcomes, and map those outcomes to their curriculum through a curriculum map. Programs will assess one outcome per year and report on that assessment in Nuventive – Mason’s assessment management system.


Annual Assessment Template and Feedback Rubric

All academic units must enter the unit’s mission statement, goals, objectives, methods and measures, results and analysis, and improvement plans as shown in the templates below.


Assessment and Nuventive Resources

Please refer to the resources below for more information on assessment practices at Mason.

Below are examples of annual assessment elements submitted by programs at Mason.

Assessment Schedule

Academic Units

All degree programs must enter the following by June 30, 2024:

  • Fill out the Measures, Findings and Improvement Plans for the student learning outcome (SLO) assessed in 2023-24.
  • Fill out Improvements Made to report on steps taken from previous assessment cycles to improve student learning.
  • Update the mission statement, SLOs and curriculum map, if necessary.
  • New degree programs need to have a mission statement, curriculum map, and student learning outcomes.

Stand-alone and Gainful Employment Certificate Programs

  • Fill out the Measures, Findings and Improvement Plans for any student learning and/or program outcome assessed in 2023-24.
  • Update the mission statement and outcomes, if necessary.
  • New stand-alone certificate programs should have a mission and at least one student learning outcome and one program outcome

Please visit Assessment and Reporting: Certificate Programs and Gainful Employment Disclosures more information.

annual assessment

Administrative Assessment

All administrative units are required to identify and assess objectives in support of the University’s mission and Strategic Direction. Objectives should be clearly aligned to the mission of the unit and focus on strengthening and improving critical functions, services and processes that impact stakeholder satisfaction, and/or contribute to the university’s ability to achieve its strategic goals.

Annual Assessment Using Nuventive

All administrative units must enter the unit’s mission statement, goals, objectives, methods and measures, results and analysis, and improvement plans into Nuventive.


Videos available on OIEP’s YouTube channel:

Other Resources:

Assessment Schedule

All administrative units must complete their annual assessment report in Nuventive by June 30th each year. We recommend the following schedule:

  • Complete assessment planning early in the fall term (mission statement, goals, objectives, assessment measures, and achievement targets).
  • Complete assessment results at the end of spring term or early summer (results, discussion, and analysis; conclusions; recent activities and improvements; and future improvements).
Administrative Units Reporting in Nuventive
Administrative Units Reporting in Nuventive
Office of the President Athletics
Audit, Risk and Compliance
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Government and Community Relations
University Advancement and Alumni Relations
University Branding
Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Auxiliary Services and Operations
Capital Strategy and Planning
Facilities and Campus Operations
Human Resources
Information Technology Services
Safety, Emergency, and Enterprise Risk Management
Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Office of the Executive Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff University Business Consultants
University Counsel
University Police
Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Accreditation and Compliance
Continuing and Professional Education
Global Education
Graduate Education
INTO Mason
Mason Online
Undergraduate Education
University Registrar
Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Administration Academic Administration
Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management Admissions
Business Intelligence
Student Financial Aid
Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Development Faculty Affairs and Development
Stearns Center
Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Planning OIEP
Office of the Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Impact Community and Economic Initiatives
Research and Innovation Initiatives
Research Services
University Libraries University Libraries
Deans’ Offices Antonin Scalia School of Law
Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
College of Engineering and Computing
College of Education and Human Development
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Public Health
College of Science
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Honors College
Mason Korea
Schar School of Policy and Government
School of Business
annual assessment

Annual Assessment

As an accredited institution in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Mason’s academic and administrative units are expected to participate in ongoing outcomes assessment and reporting. This process supports continuous improvement and improved decision-making, as well as regional accreditation and state requirements for the assessment of student learning. The university has moved to an annual assessment schedule, and all degree programs and administrative units need to report assessment plans and findings on an annual basis. Regardless of a unit’s Academic Program Review or external accreditation schedule, annual assessment reporting is a university-wide activity required of all degree programs and administrative units.

Relationship to Academic Program Review (APR)

APR and annual assessment are complementary processes. Programs should use the same learning outcomes, measures, and findings for each process.

Relationship to Co-Curricular Program Review (CCPR)
CCPR and annual assessment are complementary processes. The Action Plan for Co-Curricular Program Review should be developed in alignment with the annual assessment plan in mind.

1 Principles 7.3 and 8.2, The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, 2018, Third Edition, First Printing,

For more information about annual assessment, contact