academic program review

Assessment and Reporting: Certificate Programs

Certificate Definition[1]

A certificate is defined as a non-degree program complementary to a degree that requires at least 24 undergraduate or 12 graduate credits. For each undergraduate certificate, at least 15 credits used to fulfill its requirements cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of a major, concentration, minor, or another undergraduate certificate. The name of a completed certificate program appears on the transcript after the conferral of an undergraduate degree. Certificates are approved by the school or college at the undergraduate level and by the Graduate Council at the graduate level. Credits from a maximum of one graduate certificate may also apply to a master’s or doctoral degree program.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) identifies certificates as educational programs in the requirement for assessment of institutional effectiveness (Principle 8.2.a).[2]

Assessment of Certificates

All certificate programs will participate in assessment of program and student learning outcomes. Most certificates will be included as part of the APR self-study, while certain stand-alone programs will report independently.

Certificates Included in Academic Program Review (APR)

All units that participate in APR will include the assessment of certificate programs that are located in the unit, or cross-disciplinary certificates for which the unit has primary responsibility. Reporting in the APR self-study should include: the purpose of the certificate, enrollment and completion rates, and assessment of two outcomes (more information is in the Academic Program Review Guide).

Stand-alone Certificate Programs Report Independently
Certificates for which at least 50% of courses are not associated with a degree program (i.e. stand-alone certificates) are required to make a full report every 5 years in the Tk20 assessment management system. Certificates that qualify as Gainful Employment are also required to complete assessment reports every 5 years.

The report should include:

Planning for Assessment
Programs should plan for periodic assessment by maintaining files of student work samples from each semester. Student work may be compiled for the duration of the period between reporting deadlines.

 Reporting Timeline

Stand-alone Certificates

June 15, 2016  Enter purpose (mission), and at least two outcomes–one should be a program outcome and one should be a student learning outcome

June 15, 2019  Complete assessment of all outcomes and enter full report in Tk20


Certificates Reporting in APR

Included in the self-study for the reporting unit in the 7-year APR reporting cycle

[1] George Mason University 2015-16 Catalog, Academic Policies, AP.4 Degree Application, Conferral and Graduation,

[2] 2018 edition of the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, 2018, (p. 70)

academic program review

APR Guides and Templates

If you need a guide or template from a previous year, please contact OIEP at or 703-993-8834.

Resources for Academic Units Reporting in 2025

APR Guide for 2025 Reports

APR Template for 2025 Reports

APR Template for 2025 Reports: Interdisciplinary Programs

Resources for Academic Units Reporting in 2024

APR Guide for 2024 Reports

APR Template for 2024 Reports

APR Template for 2024 Reports: Interdisciplinary Programs

Resources for Academic Units Reporting in 2023

APR Guide for 2023 Reports

APR Template for 2023 Reports

APR Template for 2023 Reports: Interdisciplinary Programs


academic program review

APR External Review Teams

Beginning in Fall 2021, all units starting the Academic Program Review process with have their APR self-study reviewed by an external review team of 2-4 disciplinary faculty from departmental peer or aspirant institutions.  The external review team is charged with evaluating the effectiveness of the academic unit (department, school, or individual program), as well as the unit’s contributions to George Mason University and to the discipline or field. The scope of the review is broad, encompassing the quality of the undergraduate and graduate programs; faculty and student satisfaction; and efforts to facilitate faculty progress toward tenure, promotion, and distinction in teaching, research, and scholarship.

The external review team will receive the completed self-study in January ahead of a site visit in March or April (scheduled in advance with the academic unit). The site visit will include the opportunity to meet with faculty, staff, students, administrators associated with the academic unit, and representatives from the Office of the Provost and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning.  The external review team is tasked with submitting a written report within three weeks of the conclusion of the site visit.  The report should include their findings and recommendations based on a thorough assessment of the unit’s self-study report and interviews conducted during the site visit.

Prior to extending an invitation to serve on the external review team, units must seek approval of their selected team members from the dean of their school/college.

External Review Team Resources

Conflict of Interest Policy
Mason relies on the professional integrity of those serving as external evaluators for Academic Program Review, as well as the academic units inviting potential evaluators.  Sensitivity to potential conflicts of interest must be addressed to ensure evaluators can serve objectively. As a result, the following guidelines are provided to negate potential conflicts of interest   Persons who fall into any of the following categories should NOT participate at external reviewers.

Academic units should consult with their school/college dean’s office and/or OIEP regarding potential conflicts of interest for all potential external evaluators. School/college leadership reserves the final responsibility for determining the suitability of external evaluators for Academic Program Review.

For more information about the process, please refer to the External Reviewer Charge. You can also contact your designated academic unit representative or the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning at

academic program review

Academic Program Review

Overview of APR

Academic Program Review is a multi-year process in which an academic unit identifies the mission, goals, and learning outcomes of its degree programs. The unit, with help from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning, uses a variety of data sources to measure whether program goals and learning outcomes are being achieved. These results are used to create action plans for the ultimate purpose of improving student learning and student success. At the end of the process, the unit submits an APR report, which is reviewed by an external review team as well as OIEP and Provost staff.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning requires most units to submit an Academic Program Review report every seven years. Time between reports should be spent making the recommended improvements or changes. Programs are also encouraged to routinely discuss the educational goals of the program and the program’s learning outcomes and curriculum map during the years between APR reporting.

Benefits of APR

APR can be a very rewarding process. It not only identifies areas in which a program can be improved, it illuminates successes as well. Many of the activities involved in APR, such as delineating student learning outcomes and creating a curriculum map, can enhance communication and collaboration among faculty within a program. These activities clarify how each course and educational activity offered by the program contributes to the program’s learning outcomes and educational goals.

Institutionally, APR and related assessment practices are important for accreditation purposes. Regional and state accreditation agencies review APR data to ensure that Mason students are meeting their degree program’s student learning outcomes.

APR External Review Process

In 2019, Mason piloted a revised Academic Program Review process that, among other modifications, replaced Mason peer reviewers with external review teams.  Given overwhelmingly positive feedback from all stakeholders, the improvements were implemented for all programs beginning the APR review process starting Fall 2021.  All APR self-studies going forward will be reviewed by external review teams of 2-4 disciplinary faculty from departmental peer or aspirant institutions.


APR is an 18-month process allowing for training, comprehensive assessment within the unit, self-study preparation, external review team member identification, site visit and extensive engagement with leadership including department chairs, school/college deans, the provost and other administrative personnel including the associate provosts for both undergraduate and graduate education.

Selection of external review team members should be identified and confirmed early in the spring term following the initiation of the process, e.g. for units who start APR in Fall 20XX, selection of external review team members should be completed in Spring 20XX+1 with the culminating visit scheduled to happen in Spring 20XX+2.

  • Prior to extending an invitation to serve on the external review team, units must seek approval of their selected team members from the dean of their school/college.
  • Once approval is received, the unit will send a formal invitation and list of responsibilities to each external review team member.
  • External review team members will receive the self-study from the unit in January 20XX+2.
  • During the site visit in spring 20XX+2 (either virtual or on-site), external review team members will meet with faculty, staff, and administrators, students currently enrolled in the unit’s programs, alumni, academic leadership, and representatives from OIEP.
  • Within 3 weeks of the visit, the external review team members will complete a final report and submit it to OIEP, the unit, and the appropriate dean.
  • The unit will have 2 weeks to respond to the external team report prior to a final meeting with the dean, academic leadership, and OIEP.
  • The final meeting will ensure the unit and dean are in agreement on the unit goals and actions plans outlined for the next seven years

Conflict of Interest Policy

Mason relies on the professional integrity of those serving as external evaluators for Academic Program Review, as well as the academic units inviting potential evaluators.  Sensitivity to potential conflicts of interest must be addressed to ensure evaluators can serve objectively. As a result, the following guidelines are provided to negate potential conflicts of interest   Persons who fall into any of the following categories should NOT participate at external reviewers.

  • Former Mason employees 
  • Mason graduates 
  • Anyone who has been a candidate for employment at Mason within the last 10 years 
  • Anyone who served as a consultant for Mason or the academic unit within the last 10 years 
  • Former or current advisory board members to the academic unit at Mason 
  • Anyone with an active professional partnership (e.g., co-authors, co-presenters) with a member(s) of the academic unit being reviewed 
  • Anyone with close personal or familial relationships with a member(s) of the academic unit being reviewed 
  • Anyone having any other relationship that could serve to jeopardize objectivity regarding the evaluation of the academic unit being reviewed 

Academic units should consult with their school/college dean’s office and/or OIEP regarding potential conflicts of interest for all potential external evaluators. School/college leadership reserves the final responsibility for determining the suitability of external evaluators for Academic Program Review. 

If you have questions about Academic Program Review, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning at or 703-993-8834.