How to Make a Curriculum Map

Curriculum Mapping in 5 Easy Steps

1: Compile a list of the program’s student learning outcomes. Make a table with one SLO per row.

SLO 1- Theoretical foundations            
SLO 2- Research methods            
SLO 3- Writing            
SLO 4- Ethics            


2: List all the courses in the program, one per column. (We encourage listing ALL the courses in a degree program, not just core or required courses).

CRS 530 CRS 601 CRS 603 CRS 998 CRS 999  
SLO 1- Theoretical foundations            
SLO 2- Research methods            
SLO 3- Writing
SLO 4- Ethics


3: Also include all required educational experiences that do not have an associated course (i.e., qualifying or comprehensive exams, internships, foreign language competencies).

CRS 530 CRS 601 CRS 603 CRS 998 CRS 999 Comp Exam
SLO 1- Theoretical foundations
SLO 2- Research methods
SLO 3- Writing
SLO 4- Ethics

4: Use Xs to mark the learning outcomes that each course/experience covers.

CRS 530 CRS 601 CRS 603 CRS 998 CRS 999 Comp Exam
SLO 1- Theoretical foundations X X X X X
SLO 2- Research methods X X X X
SLO 3- Writing X X X
SLO 4- Ethics


5: If you see a course/experience that doesn’t cover a learning outcome, or if you see a learning outcome that is not covered in any of the courses/experiences, you’ll need to do some serious thinking about whether it is a necessary part of the curriculum.