Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning

Student Evaluations of Teaching Updates – February 2021

Results for the Fall 2020 student evaluations of teaching were recently shared with instructors and supervisors. Unlike in other terms, however, these results will not be posted on the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (OIEP) website. The pandemic which led to the subsequent delivery of a significant amount of instruction in an online format set these evaluations apart. Overall, the response rate for the institution was 34.3% with a range across the schools/colleges of 28.2% to 42.8%. Response rates are affected by a variety of factors but courses delivered in an online format typically do have lower rates. To that end, instructors are encouraged, if possible, to schedule evaluation time in the course during instruction time. While this will not work in asynchronous courses, this method can be deployed for both face-to-face and synchronous instruction. Instructors can monitor response rates in real time.


Feedback from the Fall 2020 administration has prompted a change for the Spring 2021 administration.   Designated supervisors, (deans, department chairs/program directors, and (department) scheduling coordinators) will be able to make individual course date changes at the request of instructors should instructors choose not to use the default Spring 2021 Administration Schedule.  Requests should be made directly from the instructor to the supervisor in their unit.