Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning


Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs)

Please see our SET FAQ pages for instructors and supervisors and students.

Assessment and Nuventive
  • How do I request access to Nuventive?
    Send an email with your name and assigned unit/department to [email protected].
  • Does my degree program or administrative unit need to conduct and report on assessments every year?
    Yes. All academic degree programs and administrative units need to participate in annual assessment. Assessment resources and reporting requirements are available on the OIEP website.
  • Do I need permission from my students to submit their work for assessment?
    Student work may be used for institutional assessment purposes without student permission. Consent is only needed when using student data or work products in a generalizable way, such as in professional presentations or publications–in which case, IRB approval is required. The policy on using student work in assessment is posted in Mason’s University Catalog, under Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Enrollment and Census Data
  • Official student enrollment census data files are currently pulled approximately six weeks after the term has started for fall and spring. For summer, it is pulled after the last day to add classes for the last session. Census data is used for all official reporting from internal to external, including SCHEV and IPEDS, unless noted.
  • In Fall 2022, OIEP implemented a more efficient and streamlined framework that involves a daily snapshot of student enrollment and enrolled courses data referred to as the “Glimpse.” Starting in Fall 2024, student enrollment census data files will be derived from this snapshot on their respective census pull dates. Please click on the following link for a list of the census pull dates from the past 10 years.
  • If a major/degree program has moved from one college/school to another, where will the historical data be reported?
    The college mapping for each major is based on the most recent structure.
  • How can I find time to degree data?
    OIEP has created a Time to Degree dashboard for First-Time Undergraduate Completers. There’s also a companion document that provides an overview of the dashboard.
  • How is a cohort defined?
    A cohort consists of full-time, first-time (freshmen) degree-seeking students who enrolled in the fall semester.
  • Does this cohort include transfer students?
  • Are there retention reports for populations other than full-time, first-year students?
    Yes, you can refer to the Comprehensive Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates dashboard. If you would like retention data not available on our website, please fill out a data request form.
Student Surveys

I’m graduating this semester. Is the student exit survey mandatory?
No. However, it is the official Mason exit survey for all seniors and graduating master’s and PhD students. The information that you provide is important and allows Mason to make program and campus improvements based on student feedback.