University Survey Calendar

The OIEP Survey Calendar captures the student, alumni, and faculty surveys administered by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning. The calendar is intended to promote planning and coordination of data collection activities and ultimately reduce undue burden on the Mason community. Please check the calendar as you plan your survey administration.

Student Survey Calendar – 2024-25

Survey Survey Population Survey Dates
Exit Survey All 2024-25 graduating students Ongoing
Embark/Career Plans Survey All 2024-25 graduating students/alumni Ongoing
Mason Core Pre-Survey UG students enrolled in select Mason Core courses August 26-September 11
PSS Survey – Fall All UG September 30-October 4
Sodexo/Mason Dining Customer Satisfaction Survey All UG + GR October 14-October 26
Mason Core Post-Survey UG students enrolled in select Mason Core courses November 25-December 11
QEP Survey All UG TBD – February 2025
PSS Survey – Spring All UG March 17-March 31
Sustainability Survey Sample of UG students TBD


The Undergraduate and Graduate Exit Surveys launch on the first day of classes in the semester before graduation (e.g., the survey opens in January for students who will graduate in the Summer). The survey remains open for the duration of the academic year (Summer, Fall, and Spring) with reminder emails sent at one-month intervals to students who have filed an Intent to Graduate form. The survey closes in June for 2024-25 graduates.


The Embark/Career Plans Survey launches in the last month before graduation (e.g., May for Spring graduates; August for Summer graduates; December for Fall graduates) and remains open for six months following graduation. The survey closes in November for 2024-25 graduates.