Academic Affairs Data Integrity Advisory Council


The Academic Affairs Data Integrity Advisory Council (AADIAC) is a multi-year project to build a stronger, more robust data catalogue for institutional use at Mason.

While Mason is rich in data, the use of that data to contribute to planning, assessment and, subsequently, decision-making, is challenged due to disparate data sources and methods of collection; lack of consistency in definition and understanding of common use; and multiple translations sources and “warehouse” developments to meet idiosyncratic need.

AADIAC will address these issues through the identification of solutions for data integrity, documentation and best practice for collection, and the creation of a common well that combines operational, strategic, and official information into an easy to use and well-defined singular data warehouse.


  • Identifying Data Sources:  Enhance framework integrating large to small data sources and comprehensively identify critical campus databases.
  • Ensuring Valid/Reliable Data:  Enhance accountability and creation/refinement of processes related to the collection, analyses and use of academic data through coordinated action.
  • Developing a Common Well:  Curate core institutional data related to the academic experience.


AADIAC Charter and Timeline

AADIAC Project Charter



AADIAC is comprised of members from across campus including both data producers and users from functional offices, schools/colleges, and strategic partners in the production of institutional information. Additionally, there will be working groups established to collect data sources, ensure valid/reliable data, and create a common well/stat master.

Gesele Durham (chair) OIEP
John Dooris (project co-lead) OIEP
Lisa Nguyen (project co-lead) OIEP
Eunkyoung Park OIEP
Andrew Bunting Enrollment Services
Alan Byrd Admissions
Judy Fortin Information Technology Services
Chris Gay Information Technology Services
Kimberly Goodwin-Slater College of Engineering and Computing
Annie Green Information Technology Services
Renate Guilford Academic Administration
Kimberly Holmes College of Health and Human Services
Michael Laskofski Office of Sponsored Programs
Ron Mahabir College of Science
Doug McKenna University Registrar
Marvin Powell College of Education and Human Development
Marguerite Rippy College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Sandra Tarbox Student Financial Aid
Kirk Vanderbrooke University Life